SimpleCoat MultiSurface sealer review

Hi Everyone,

I hope you doing well and staying safe and healthy at home. I know its quite a tough time for all of us. Now that we are quarantined at home and we have enough time at hand. why not tackle those tasks that have been pending for long.

I have started with some detail cleaning and organizing my kitchen. seriously, My Kitchen needs once a month detail cleaning. Granite countertop need special attention once in a while too.

Why we need to seal a granite countertop

Sealing your granite countertop is like adding a protective layer to your countertop. Once you seal it, your cleaning is gonna be much easier. you don’t have to use chemicals to clean it every day. not just that, you’ll have a more hygienic surface. Granite is porous and can harbor bacteria; sealing helps cut down on the cracks and crevices where bacteria can live. Plus, you get a shiny countertop.

Once your granite countertops are sealed, they will be easier to clean and you won’t need to use as many chemicals to clean them. Plus, you’ll have a more hygienic surface. Granite is porous and can harbor bacteria; sealing helps cut down on the cracks and crevices where bacteria can live.

Why Simple Coat Sealant

I have used many sealants but they are not toxic-free. I prep my meal directly on the countertop and I also make roti on the countertop directly. I don’t want any toxic chemicals on my countertop that could transfer into my food. I am so glad a Simple coat is a Toxic-free sealant. The simple coat is actually a multi-surface sealant. I have used it on stainless steel and my cutting board as its toxic-free and their formula is food safe.

wanna try it for yourself?

you wanna try it for yourself, you can get it from amazon. if you use this link you’ll get a 5% discount.

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